How to Remove Grout with an Oscillating Multi-Tool

Published March 2nd, 2023

how to remove grout with an oscillating tool

Grout is typically used to cover the spaces between tile and give an added aesthetic appeal. However, it will eventually need to be removed and replaced due to dirt, discoloration, or damage. 

Grout removal may be difficult and time-consuming if you don’t have the correct equipment and methods, but with practice, you’ll get faster and better results.

An oscillating tool may help speed up the process. In this article, we’ll show you how to remove grout with an oscillating tool and give tips to make the job easier.

What is an Oscillating Tool?

An oscillating tool is a multipurpose electric cutter that vibrates rapidly in both directions. You can cut, sand, grind, and scrape with its accessories. 

Many do-it-yourselfers favor the tool because of its small size and form, which makes it simple to work in confined areas and around corners.

Reasons to Use an Oscillating Tool to Remove Grout

Whether planning a home remodel or freshening up your bathroom or kitchen, you could think about ripping off the old grout. Regrettably, cleaning grout by hand may take a lot of work. An oscillating tool might be helpful here. Let’s discuss some of the most compelling reasons for utilizing an oscillating tool to remove grout.

Quicker Removal

Compared to hand removal, grout removal using an oscillating tool is lightning quick. Quickly and easily clean up grout between tiles with the tool’s high-speed oscillating action. As a result, you’ll spend less time and energy renovating or upgrading your home.

Exact and Accurate

While removing grout, an oscillating tool offers higher accuracy and pinpointing than hand approaches. Because of the small blade-like diamond segment Blade and rapid back and forth movement of an oscillating tool with the right blade, the grout may be removed from tight locations without harming the surrounding tiles. 

This is particularly helpful for tile designs that are complicated or delicate, where the slightest error might destroy the whole thing.

Reduced Effort

Manually grout removal may be a complex process that takes significant time and effort. In contrast, using an oscillating tool necessitates little work at all. Because of the tool’s rapid oscillation, very little effort is required to remove the grout. This reduces the stress exerted on the hands and wrists, lowering the risk of tiredness and injury.


Grout removal is just one of several home improvement tasks that may be accomplished with the help of an oscillating tool. Sanding, cutting, scraping, and other similar tasks are all possible with this tool. This means the instrument is versatile and worth the price for any do-it-yourselfer.

Clean and Spotless

When the grout is removed manually, particles from the grout might fly everywhere. Yet, an oscillating tool has a dust- and debris-containment system built into its construction. As a result, you won’t have to make a mess of your workspace or worry about cleaning it up afterward.

Using an oscillating tool to remove grout is a more prosperous and efficient way to get the job done. The tool’s adaptability makes it a worthwhile purchase for any DIY lovers. An oscillating tool is an excellent option for removing grout during restoration or remodeling.

Why Do You Need to Clean Up the Grout?

Grout is used to seal the spaces between tiles and keep them from shifting. Grout is more transparent, so stains and wear are more likely to penetrate it over time, even if the tiles themselves are durable and stain-resistant.

In many situations, cleaning the grout will restore its original appearance, but if fungus and mildew are allowed to grow for too long, the grout may become permanently discolored. To restore the tile’s original appearance once the grout has become old and worn down or discolored, you must first remove the old grout using an oscillating multi-tool or other suitable piece of equipment.

You should use a grout sealer when you’ve finished re-grouting the tiles. The grout may be preserved and kept stain-free with the aid of a binder. Also, it will be more resilient in the humid environment of your bathroom. Grout has a substantially longer lifespan if the surface is sealed, maintained with frequent cleaning, and resealed as required.

What is the Importance of a Diamond Oscillating Blade for Grout Removal?

The use of diamond oscillating blades is crucial for grout removal. Tile joints are filled with grout, a cement-like material. As time passes, the tile could become old, soiled, or damaged, requiring the removal of this material before it can be repaired or replaced. The diamond oscillating blade is necessary for this purpose. Grout can be removed fast and easily with the help of these blades since they are designed to cut through hard materials.

Diamond oscillating blades are equipped with sharp, diamond-coated edges to cut through the grout’s resistant surface. They help fix or replace tiles since they can cut through grout without harming the surrounding tiles.

Diamond Oscillating Segment Boot Blade rightside

*Save yourself time, money, and hassle with the best diamond oscillating tool blade in the industry for cutting through grout seamlessly!

In addition to their accuracy and adaptability, oscillating blades’ many uses depend on their unique cutting mechanism. Diamond oscillating blades are necessary for any tile removal task, whether a tiny repair or a whole floor. Anyone dealing with tile or other rigid materials can only go with these blades due to the ease with which they cut through the grout.

When it comes down to it, diamond oscillating blades are a need for everyone who has to get rid of grout. Whether you’re a do-it-yourself expert or a professional tile installer, a more excellent diamond oscillating blade is an essential tool for quickly and easily dissolving tile grout.

These blades include a sharp, diamond-coated edge and an oscillating action that rapidly removes grout without harming the tiles around it. A diamond oscillating blade is essential to any tiler’s toolkit before beginning any tile installation or repair job.

How to Remove Grout with an Oscillating Tool?

It would be best first to mask off the area to prevent the tiles from being damaged when using an oscillating tool to remove grout. The following is a detailed instruction that will walk you through each stage of how to remove grout with an oscillating tool:

Set Up the Area

It’s essential to ensure the region is safe before removing grout. Dropping cloth and turning off the room’s electricity can prevent particles and dirt from damaging your floors and furnishings. To protect your eyes and hands from dust, you should use protective equipment such as goggles, a face mask, and gloves.

Choose the Right Oscillating Blade

Choosing the right blade for your oscillating tool is essential when removing grout. Choose a Diamond segment blade that is thin enough to slip between the tiles but powerful enough to cut through the thick grout.

Turn on Oscillating Tool and Slowly Place Blade on Grout

Begin grout removal by rotating the oscillating tool 45 degrees and working it back across the grout line. Avoid harming the tiles by using mild pressure, and carefully remove the grout in a systematic manner.

Picking Up Grout that Has Been Removed

Cleaning up after grout removal may be done with a vacuum or a moist towel. If you use a dry cloth or brush, the dust particles will become blown and create respiratory problems.

Replacing the Grout

Grout may be easily replaced after it has been removed. Choose a grout that closely matches the current grout and apply it following the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Safety Tips for Removing Grout with an Oscillating Multi-Tool

Grout removal with an oscillating tool may be a quick and easy method to give your tiles a makeover. Yet, there are several precautions you should take to avoid mishaps and make sure the job is done well. The following are some precautions you should take:

Put on Safety Equipment: While using an oscillating tool to remove grout, always protect your eyes, hands, and lungs using protective gear like goggles, face masks, and gloves. You won’t have to worry about dust and debris entering your eyes, hands, or lungs.

Maintain a Steady Grip: Keep your grip tight and your tool stable as you go to work. If the blade slips or leaps, you might hurt yourself or the tiles around you.

Take Your Time and Be Accurate: If you don’t want to ruin the surrounding tiles, take your time and move gently. Instead of trying to force the instrument to perform its job, try gently pressing down on it and seeing what happens.

Maintain a Clean Workplace: Don’t let any trash accumulate in your workspace. This will simplify seeing what you’re doing and reduce the risk of slips and falls.

Put the Kids and Pets Away: While using an oscillating tool, be sure that children and animals are kept safely away from the area. This will reduce the risk of injury and protect them from particles in the air.

Turn Off the Device While Not in Use: Never leave the oscillating tool plugged in while you’re not using it. That way, it will be challenging for kids to get a hold of it and accidentally turn it on.

Following these guidelines, using an oscillating tool to remove grout is safe and straightforward.

How to Remove Grout with an Oscillating Tool - Final Thoughts

It may be a fast and straightforward process if you know how to remove grout with an oscillating tool. Take your time, be deliberate, and be careful as you prep the area; choose the appropriate blade, like a diamond segment blade, adjust the depth, remove the old grout, and replace it if required. 

Grout may be removed and replaced with fresh grout to make your tiles seem new, however, this can only be possible over and over again with a durable diamond oscillating tool blade from WonderBlade.

Diamond Oscillating Segment Boot Blade rightside

*Save yourself time, money, and hassle with the best diamond oscillating tool blade in the industry for cutting through grout seamlessly!

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